Thursday, September 9, 2010

To be added to it:

There was no such nation called Oromia, Amara, Tigray etc… in the perception that we are portraying it these days as designed for us by anti Ethiopia forces, and their deluded followers. There were instead regional landlords, kings, sultans and “Balabats”, and several chiefdoms throughout the Ethiopian Land. There was no border or any restriction among the people to travel between regions, nor to fight for or against any side suiting their interest. The process of the social integration didn’t start by the political domination of these chiefdoms by a single power among them but since way back the ancient Ethiopian people have gone through thousands of years of amalgamation and integration process through war, migration, gudifecha, annexation, marriage, settlements etc…The complexity of this sociology is deeper than any single subject matter or person to define and depict its entirety. The names that we exercise today also have gone through multiple changes in the vast history of the region just as the respective chiefdom territories; depending on their wealth and military status. The political process also didn’t start by Menelik as OLF sympathizers put it but went through a gradual evolution ;the whole socio-political system that brought the system to such stages of political formations from small under-tree elders to the present day federal state of Ethiopia. Every corner had its participation in this complicated journey. Simple minded politicians try to skeleton it to a one-man show, i.e. Menelik’s colonization of Oromia.

Ethiopia disintegrators continue to hang on their motto “a nation called Abyssina annexed a nation called Oromia”. Why do we not agree to this aphorism? It’s because something is disturbingly wrong and evil about it. Something doesn’t fit to what we feel as a people. Eritreans got themselves into self contradiction by denying themselves being Ethiopians, because deep inside them they know they are Ethiopians, not given or imposed on them by any Amhara or Tigray but because of an innate originality. This is not politics but a fact of nature and biology. An ignorant mercenary by the pen name Gumma Gudda wrote recently that there is a distinct ethnic difference between the Oromos and Amharas. Such bold and shameless caricatures are emerging onto the internet political platforms that base their analyses not from academic researches but from garbage of hatred mongering corners and international espionage business. Calling brothers and sisters as foreign and alien to each other? They focus on attacking ‘Ethiopia’ by defaming its history, pulling out our weak points and exaggerating our wrongs, a mockery on our history? When false is repeated several times it get used to by listeners. That is what such writers intend to do. Bombarding false messages until the audience is dizzied and desensitized. A fabric story can not hold on its own balance unless it’s repeatedly hammered to the ground.
An uneducated society is vulnerable to such kinds of blasphemes just as is a porous ground sponging a liquid of different viscosities.

What can we do to protect our society from such attacks on this front?


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